Digital accessibility is still a challenge for the world’s leading brands.
Given how much emphasis is placed on the user experience today, it’s surprising more attention isn’t paid to the accessibility barriers impacting the 1.3 billion people globally who live with a disability.
Even when brands try to build inclusive websites, accessibility issues can slip through the cracks. And many of these barriers can be so disruptive to the user experience that people with disabilities are forced to abandon their task — and try to complete it elsewhere.

Digital Accessibility Index
After scanning more than 2 million pages, we found that 100% of the pages had at least one accessibility error — and the average page had 37 unique elements (such as images or links) that failed one of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) success criteria, the international standard for web accessibility.
We used the average number of failed elements per page as the basis of our Index Average. It helps people gauge the relative accessibility of a page, based on the number of errors a user might encounter.
As a business, your goal should be to get this number as close to zero as possible — because that represents the fewest number of accessibility errors.

The biggest roadblocks to digital experiences that work for all
Our automated scan revealed a number of significant barriers that are present on almost every site — and can make it harder for people with disabilities to reach their digital destination.
56% of images are not accessible to people with visual impairments.
The world’s leading brands are increasingly turning to visual content to highlight their products and services — but inaccessible images are creating problems for the million-plus people in the United States who are blind.
After scanning more than 32 million images, we found that 56% of images were not accessible to people with visual impairments.
64% of pages have links that are not clear to people with disabilities.
We all rely on links to help us reach the pages and content we want, but vague or non-descriptive links can make browsing websites a challenge for people with visual or cognitive impairments.
After scanning more than 357 million links, we found that 64% of sites had at least one page with an inaccessible link.
1 in 4 forms was missing descriptive labels for people with disabilities.
From checkout flows to lead generation campaigns, the world’s leading brands spend a lot of time figuring out how to reduce form friction — and get more people to take the action they want.
After scanning nearly 2 million forms, we found that 25% were missing descriptive labels for people with disabilities.
“I run into accessibility barriers every day. It’s frustrating. I have to ask myself ‘How am I going to get around this?’ on a regular basis.”
Chris Preiman | AudioEye A11iance Member & Internet Security Professional