Automated Fixes

Instantly resolve thousands of issues so your users don’t miss a beat.

Our industry-leading digital accessibility platform can automatically fix most common accessibility issues — moving you closer to accessibility and compliance.

Issues found by automation donut chart, 44 fixed by automation, 10 custom fixes available, 4 source fixes required. Women smiling on laptop

Simple. Streamlined. Accessible.

Automation can’t find or fix every accessibility issue — but it’s an important first step toward delivering an accessible experience to every website visitor.

  • Deliver accessibility at scale

    We scan your website for accessibility issues every time a user loads a page — helping you fix issues before they can impact customers.

  • Fix issues for every user

    Our digital accessibility platform includes 70+ Auto Remediations that automatically fix over 1.3 billion accessibility issues for AudioEye customers daily.

  • Lower your risk of being sued

    Fixing common accessibility issues can help you comply with the latest accessibility laws — reducing your risk of legal action.

  • 1.3B+

    Auto remediations delivered to customers daily

  • Instant

    Time to automatically fix accessibility issues on customer sites

  • 400+

    Accessibility tests to identify potential WCAG violations

headshot of kevin grasso

“What I like best about AudioEye is the peace of mind that as soon as it is turned on, my accessibility has already improved.”

Keven Grasso

Partner Program Manager at Finalsite

Supercharge your website’s accessibility with automated fixes

Find and fix issues for every user

blind person with service dog, women helping grandma with phone and alerts saying there is missing alt text, font size is too small and text lacks sufficient contrast

Find and fix issues for every user

Our suite of 400+ accessibility tests helps you automatically find and fix many common accessibility issues — without straining existing resources.

Build a unified view

Audioeye dashboard

Build a unified view

View, analyze, and track progress on all accessibility issues identified by our technology — including outstanding issues that require custom fixes.

Expert guidance and support

Man working on computer with dev tools and audioeye product

Expert guidance and support

For issues that cannot be automatically fixed, our in-house developers can write custom code-based fixes or help your team address issues at the source.

Trusted by 122,000+ leading brands and happy customers

Calvin Klein logo
Olive Garden logo
G2 badge - winter 2024 leader
G2 badge - winter 2024, easiest setup
G2 best usability winner - winter 2024

Learn how automated fixes fit into a complete approach to accessibility.