Accessibility Management Platform

Maintain Complete Compliance with AudioEye’s Accessibility Management Platform

Creating an accessible website is a journey — AudioEye makes it easy with our Automated Accessibility Platform. From robust accessibility testing tools to detailed accessibility audits, AudioEye helps you deliver a compliant, accessible digital experience for all.

Accessibility made easy

Providing equal access to digital content and mobile apps is not just a legal requirement — it’s good business. AudioEye makes your path to website accessibility simple and seamless with our automated accessibility software and services. 

Using a combination of automated and expert testing, we’ll ensure all aspects of your site — including documents, videos, audio clips, and more — are accessible to users with disabilities.

Automated Software

Our accessibility software regularly audits your site for accessibility errors and provides automatic fixes, streamlining your path to compliance.


A complete approach to digital accessibility

AudioEye’s automation software audits your site to assess the accessibility of your site with accessibility standards and guidelines. Common errors are fixed by our software while more complex issues are resolved by our team of human experts. Using a hybrid approach to accessibility testing and remediation, AudioEye enhances the accessibility, usability, and inclusivity of your site faster than other accessibility management platforms (AMP).

  • Real-Time Insights

    Get visibility into the accessibility health of your website and other digital content with AudioEye’s Expert Reporting.

  • Fast Remediation

    AudioEye’s automation software resolves common accessibility errors in real-time, streamlining  your path to accessibility compliance.

  • Expert Support

    From legal support to guidance on accessibility remediation tactics, AudioEye provides ongoing help throughout your accessibility journey.

"What I like best about AudioEye is the peace of mind that as soon as it is turned on, my accessibility has already improved."

Keven Grasso

Partner Program Manager at Finalsite

Trusted by 122,000+ leading brands and happy customers

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G2 badge - winter 2024 leader
G2 badge - winter 2024, easiest setup
G2 best usability winner - winter 2024

Create equal access for all with AudioEye

Frequently asked questions